Monday, December 19, 2005

What the Hell? No One's Listening Anyway......

Ever get the feeling that other people hear what you say, but aren't really listening to what you're really saying? Like they can't (or don't want to)interpret what's behind your words, and you can't say what you're actually feeling because it's just entirely too painful to say out loud and everyone would probably just inform you that you're just overreacting and imagining things?

Someone said "No man is an island," but lately I feel like I'm living alone in my own damned GALAXY.

Ever feel like you're being subtly told to "just get over it already," but no one takes the initiative to figure out why you can't do that?

People disappear. Most times, you can't trust anyone.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Addition to yesterday's post.....

I just want a guy with a little courage and stamina--someone I can't send running home to his mother just by being myself. Is that too much to ask for?

Friday, November 18, 2005


What is it with men my age (in their thirties)? Every single one that I've had more than a minute acquaintance with seems to be invariably screwed up. All I want is a guy close to my age to talk with, spend some time with, just have a little fun with. But they all seem so egotistical and arrogant and full of themselves and have little, if any, capacity for caring about anyone other than themselves.

Seriously, what am I going to have to resort to? Am I going to have to start hanging around twenty-something men who haven't realized their egocentric issues yet and drop them the millisecond they turn thirty? Or should I just start looking at the forty-something (or older) men who've finally gotten over themselves?

Grrrrrrrrr.......the frustration is driving me mad!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Kiss Of Death?????? make a long story short, the May thing didn't work out. I barely wrote anything. I really thought that setting the idea up like NaNoWriMo would make me write like it did last November, but it didn't happen. What was the diffence? I think it was because last November, a few friends had joined in the madness and we were pushing each other along, checking up on each other, and encouraging each other. Just knowing that there were four other people behind me, cheering me on, asking for updates, and going through the same stuff I was really gave me a focus and a goal to work towards. Now, no one cares what I'm writing or even if I'm writing. I just don't have that friendly "fellow-writer--I-know-what-you're-going-through" vibe with anyone anymore. Sometimes I get afraid that I lost my writing buddies (and losing that connection that seemed to make all the difference) may be the kiss of death for my writing career. I hope that's not true, but I'm afraid it might be. I REALLY NEED MY WRITING FRIENDS BACK.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Bit In The Way Of Explanation

I mentioned the May 2005 challenge before, but I didn't explain what it meant. I have challenged myself to write 31, 000 words during the month of May. I have also invited (begged? pleaded with? bribed?) those of my writing friends who went through NaNoWriMo with me last November to join me in the challenge. Out of the five people I sent the challenge to, one isn't able to participate, one said "Sure!", and I haven't heard from the other three (although I'm guessing they aren't going to participate considering it's already May 4th). So, anyway, I suppose I'll just post my word counts and Angie's when she sends me updates.

I actually AM getting quite a bit of writing done in the last few days. I'm doing work on two or three different short stories at the same time. As soon as I figure out my cumulative word count, I'll post it. (I know you're just dying to know, and I'm curious myself.)

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Begin The Begin

Basically I'm setting this blog up for myself (and any of my writing friends that I've issued my May 2005 challenge to) to keep track of our writing goals and accomplishments. With any luck someone will take on the challenge with me. Otherwise, it will just be me, but that's OK. I'm becoming used to going it alone. Guess I'll just have to wait and see......