Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Kiss Of Death?????? make a long story short, the May thing didn't work out. I barely wrote anything. I really thought that setting the idea up like NaNoWriMo would make me write like it did last November, but it didn't happen. What was the diffence? I think it was because last November, a few friends had joined in the madness and we were pushing each other along, checking up on each other, and encouraging each other. Just knowing that there were four other people behind me, cheering me on, asking for updates, and going through the same stuff I was really gave me a focus and a goal to work towards. Now, no one cares what I'm writing or even if I'm writing. I just don't have that friendly "fellow-writer--I-know-what-you're-going-through" vibe with anyone anymore. Sometimes I get afraid that I lost my writing buddies (and losing that connection that seemed to make all the difference) may be the kiss of death for my writing career. I hope that's not true, but I'm afraid it might be. I REALLY NEED MY WRITING FRIENDS BACK.