Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Awkward. Weird. Confused. Lonely. Restless.

I find it amusing how people come and go in and out of my life. For example, I've pretty much lost touch with everyone I knew as a friend in E'town when I lived there. In all but a couple of cases, it's not their fault or my fault--it's just one of those things. It sucks, though, because I haven't met anyone in Louisville to spend much time with. It makes for a lonely life because I end up spending most of my time alone, even when I don't want to be alone. Whether I like it or not, I suppose it will always be that way. I haven't been able to figure out what it is that's so damn unlikeable about me, but there must be something there that everyone else can see, but that I've somehow been blinded to.

By the way, for the 2.75 people who've actually read my blog, I finally posted my picture here. It's over there, to the right. I know I look mostly normal, but I assure you, underneath that shiny veneer lives the heart and soul of a goth chick. Seriously. (Oh, the things I'd say and do if I wasn't afraid to shocking everyone I know out of their complacency and their preconceived notions about me......most wouldn't survive it, and I'm beginning not to care if they do or not.)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

With any luck, this will pass. QUICKLY.

For whatever reason that may honestly be known only to the universe, today I've developed an almost overwhelming desire to be married, or at least seriously attached to someone.

Don't ask me--I don't know what the hell is wrong with me.