Today's 600 Seconds......
I haven't been posting over on 600 seconds at all lately, but since I'm sitting home tonight with a touch of what is quite possibly the beginning of the flu, or at least a seriously draining head cold, I thought I'd give it a go tonight. My topic was "What the hell is wrong with New York?," and this is what I came up with, and strangely enough, I actually kind of like it. I think it has "potential" anyway. Let me know what you think if you read this, OK? Thanks.
"What the hell is wrong with New York?" That was the first thing she said to me after 15 years of absense. No "Hello." No "How you doin'" Not even the "I've missed you," that I'd been hoping for.
"What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with New York."
"But there is," she said. "Don't tell me you don't see this. It wasn't like this when I left." She pointed impatiently toward the George Washington Bridge.
"You've been gone a long time, Grace, maybe you're not remembering things right."
I leaned down to kiss her, but she was already clearly annoyed with me, and pushed me gently away from her. Damn, that didn't take long. I figured I'd indulge her a little and, maybe, sometime this century I might actually get that kiss.
I looked in the direction she pointed, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary except for a pair of worn out tennis shoes that had been knotted together and tossed over a lamppost. Vaguely Stephen-Kingish, I thought, but nothing that should cause her to react the way she was.