Monday, March 26, 2007

This is difficult.......

It seems lately that everyone around me is getting exactly what I want. It feels like quite a few of the people I know are either finding that special someone or are finally discovering that that person was there all along. It's not that I'm not happy for my friends, or that I don't want them to be happy. It's just that I want something like that too. It's hard not to be at least a little envious, a little jealous.

Finding that person isn't happening for me, though. Everytime I think I've found someone I could really like, whose company I really enjoy, and who I could see myself spending absolutely ridiculous amounts of time with, it never seems to work out the way I wish it would. And I am at a complete loss as to why that is.

It had gotten to the point that I thought maybe I was just looking for and paying attention to the wrong type of man. So, I decided that, for a few months, I'd just consider every man I met as someone with "potential." And I do mean everyone. Even the ones who seemed unlikely. Even the ones that were the polar opposite of everything I thought I wanted. This little experiment proved something to me. I wasn't wrong about what I want. I know this because even though I could see good qualities that I'd previously ignored in men I wouldn't normally give a second thought to, it was still the same things as always that really made me sit up and take notice.

Namely: high intelligence, creativity, sarcastic humor, the ability to make me laugh, very liberal political views, an independence from religion (or at least not requiring me to believe), a strong love of music, art and literature, being easy to talk to, a playful nature, being able to rationally disagree without demeaning another's views, and a sense of fairness.

Ok, so I obviously know what I want. So, why then, when I find a man that possesses most of these qualities, does nothing ever come of it?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Anyone ever noticed this?

Whenever someone accuses you of something, they're most likely guilty of it themselves?
Funny how a certain someone can identify something wrong with me, but be completely oblivious to their own detriments.

I have one thing to say to this person--take a good hard look at yourself before you start analyzing me and my life.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Why do I do this?

I mean, seriously, does anyone even read these anymore??????

Friday, March 16, 2007

Two things.....

This is pissing me off, so I must say these two things.

1. Atheism is absolutely NOT a religion.
2. Agnosticism is for people who cannot or will not commit to their beliefs, or who are afraid to choose.