Saturday, April 22, 2006

I have a plan! I really do!

But it's my plan. I made it up. No one else can take credit for this one, and no one better damn try. It's ambitious and enthusiastic, and maybe just a little bit crazy, and I love it. So, anyway, this is the plan.

1.) Graduate from UofL with bachelor's degrees in BOTH English and Psychology within 2 to 2 1/2 years.

2.) Kick ass on the GRE--so much so that applying to somewhere (unlike UofL) that's actually a challenge for me is considered necessary and inevitable.

3.) Apply to Stanford University in the psychology program--the #1 rated psychology program in the country.

4.) Get into Stanford, move me and my shit to the San Francisco area, and for once in my life, live without a damn safety net.

5.) At some point during the Stanford years, meet Mr. Right, and ask him to marry me. Actually marry him, and work on making the marriage a balanced, loving, respectful and strong environment for both of us. Work on this as if it's the most important thing in the entire world. Because it is, and it should be.

So, there it is. My plan for my next 4-5 years. Take that, doubters!